Rewriting the Mining and Fracking Footprint

A pilot project in 2012, used AggreBind’s patented technology to repurpose fracking wastewater and mining tailings, seeking ways to transform the environmental impact of fracking. AggreBind’s hydrophobic properties enable it to capture waste into roads without leaching…
Mitigating Crop Loss Damage: The EcoFriendly Era

Soil stabilisation is widely used for car parks, roads, road bases and other forms of horizontal construction. Traditional soil stabilisers of cement and lime however, can have a negative impact to soils and surrounding farming lands…
The Hydrophobic Shrimp Farming Tarp Alternative

Tarps used in ponds cause environmental and shrimp health challenges, as well as high operational and maintenance costs. AggreBind’s RoadMaster and HiPower Seal long-term pond base solution is a sustainable and cost-effective…
Aggrebind Seals Acid Rock Drainage (ARD)

Acid Producing Rock is an environmental threat that can unleash sulfuric acid, contaminate waterways and jeopardise ecosystems. AggreBind’s response to the project was rapid, eco-friendly and cost–effective. The AggreBind Shield…
Calculating Aggredust Dilution Rate and Dispersion

Understanding the dilution rate and dispersion or application flow rate of AggreDust is crucial in determining the precise amount of product required for effective dust control and slope management…
Transforming Waste: AggreBind’s Circularity Mindset

AggreBind is making a significant impact in today’s world where sustainability and the…
Solving Australia’s Unsealed Road Challenges with AggreBind

Australia’s remote regions, with stunning landscapes and abundant resources, present unique opportunities for industry and businesses. The challenges of remote
Dust Suppression or Dust Mitigation: Tackling Dust Control

Dust control is a critical concern in the construction, mining, and agricultural sectors in Australia. It poses significant health risks to workers and nearby communities and impacts
Slashing Road Maintenance Costs in Australia with RoadMaster

Expensive, disruptive maintenance cycles are a major hurdle for sustainable infrastructure development and a constant burden of conventional road construction, causing traffic delays, resource depletion, and environmental impact.
Decarbonising Road Transport Infrastructure

The upcoming International Road Transport Decarbonisation Workshop will discuss strategies for reducing emissions in road transport, and innovative technologies.